What should I do if the cement floor is dusty?

The specific steps of Maxkpa dust-free ground curing construction by concrete floor grinder and industrial vacuum cleaner.

What should I do if the cement floor is dusty?

Cement ground is a common ground in life. Compared with other floors such as terrazzo and emery, the construction is simpler and the cost is lower. However, the service life is short and the cement floor is prone to dusting. There is a lot of dust in the ground and the air, which still cannot be solved. It is produced continuously. This dust not only affects the beautiful environment of the ground but also affects people's work and life.

the cement floor is dusty

There are many reasons for cement floor dusting:
Aging effect: Any floor has a useful life, and the same is true for cement floors. When life is reached, it will enter the aging period. The hardness and strength of the cement piled up will decrease, and it will be easily damaged, resulting in dust and sand on the ground.
External force: The cement floor is affected by weathering, external friction or impact, chemical or oily corrosion, which accelerates aging and destroys the concrete structure.
Engineering quality: If the quality of the cement floor is not good, it will enter the aging period in advance, that is, during the process of pouring the cement floor, possible process errors, improper production, improper maintenance, or cement quality problems, these will cause The opposite of cement is easier and faster to have problems.

The right solution for cement floor dusting:
The ashing of cement floor adopts Maxkpa floor system-the curing construction process is a simple and effective treatment method. It is a solidification floor construction process that adopts dust-free construction. It is started by Maxkpa intelligent concrete floor grinder and concrete curing agent. The ash cement floor is chemically hardened and mechanically polished to create a high-hardness, high-density, high-brightness cement-cured floor, which solves the problem of ash and sand from the root.

The concrete steps of the cement dust-free ground curing construction:
1. Base surface cleaning
Clean up the ground garbage, check the ground condition and remove hard materials such as expansion screws.
2. Rough grinding and leveling
Use Maxkpa concrete floor grinder to dry the ground until the concrete surface is even and smooth, and the ground dust is cleaned.
3. Curing agent penetration
Before applying the curing agent, use a vacuum cleaner to clean the ground, or use a dust pusher to clean the ground, and then spray platinum concrete curing agent.
4. Fine grinding
After confirming that the platinum concrete curing agent is completely dry, use a Maxkpa driven concrete floor grinder to further grind and polish the ground.
5. Fine throwing
Use clean dry dust to push the floor clean, and then polish it with a high-speed polishing machine, and the brightness will be higher if the protective agent is applied before polishing.

The curing process for dust-free ground construction:
In the curing construction of the Maxkpa floor system, a Maxkpa driven concrete floor grinder is used with a Maxkpa industrial vacuum cleaner. In addition to reducing labor intensity, it can also reduce the dust in the air, realize dust-free grinding, and create dust-free health for floor workers. Improve the efficiency of floor construction.

Publication Date: 22 February, 2021


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